In March I wrote a blog entry entitled The Next Step, in which I discussed the shift I was experiencing and how I'd decided to write a new "business plan for my life". A large part of this new business plan was devoted to my career and the direction I was headed. As I performed this exercise I realized that I had created my "job" as the center of my life - you know the story, go to work and make money so I can afford to pay rent, buy food, go out for an occasional dinner or coffee with a friend, pay my bills, yada yada yada... the usual routine. This has been my reality for many years. Why? Because that's what I chose to believe.
Well, guess what? (I can't tell you how many times my parents have heard me say that!) I changed my mind. Literally. My new business plan for my life included a new belief about my job and how I am going to earn money. Instead of having employment as the center of my life like some sort of feeding machine (I see the automatic milker replacing the mother pigs in the movie Babe), I now see the center of my life being about stepping into my true self, living my passion, and manifesting my vision - whether it be my books, photography, blogging - whatever makes me tick. Out of those activities will flow wonderful outputs such as experiences, relationships, and that golden word "revenue". Money will come as a result of stepping into my greatness... not the other way around. How could this be true? Because it's what I choose to believe.
Initially this shift occured in my mind, but as a direct result of tapping into my feelings and, most importantly, my intuition (spirit). And, like any other type of change, there are consequences... well, let's reframe that - there are results. When you change your mind you shift your energy. Suddenly you see things differently and some things (or people!) no longer fit your new reality. Thus, changes in relationships, career decisions, environmental influences, etc., will start to occur. However, this is part of the process. As you change on the inside, the outside of your life will also change.
So, in short, I have resigned from my job at Target, I'm moving out of my apartment, simplifying and scaling back in many areas of my life, and leaping into my new life without looking back. Why? Because those are the external results of my internal changes. How can I do this? Because I truly believe that "if you jump the net will appear" (thanks for that, Mary). I have faith that I will manifest the opportunties, people, and experiences to help me step even further into my greatness - to fulfill even more of the purpose for which I have been placed on this earth. Pretty cool, huh? :o)
As I move back out into the world please continue to follow my travels, read my insights on The Balance Factor, (buy my photography books! :o) as I continue to spread a message of connection and goodwill across the world. Who knows where it will take me next. I really have no idea what's going to happen, but I can't wait!
The Ambassador of Goodwill