Then last week, the local television station, Lakeland Public Television, contacted me to do a story on my artwork. One of their reporters, Ashley Soukup, came to my house last week and recorded an interview which aired on the 10 o'clock news last Friday. To access the broadcast, click here (it's at the end, 25:15). I feel that Ashley did a very nice job portraying the purpose and intent of my artwork. Preparing for the interview was also very helpful since I am writing an application for a Bush Artist Fellowship (BAF) grant for 2010. This grant would make it possible for me to continue traveling the world, shooting my pictures, blogging my stories, and then sharing them with people--especially kids :o)
Part of my application process for the BAF has been to write an Artist's Statement about my work, what I do and what it means to me. Here is what I've drafted so far:
"My passion is to teach and inspire people through my photography. By traveling to destinations throughout the world and documenting my experiences, my goals as a teacher and artist are to make visible what might have gone overlooked; remind people to pause and notice the beauty that surrounds them; and help replace a fear of the world with curiosity.
I find my most powerful work comes from moments of discovery and during times of solitude and introspection. Whether the photo is of a brilliant sunset, rugged mountain with a single tree or animal in its natural habitat, my focus is on revealing the beauty contained within that moment. I want to remind people wherever they may be to pause and notice the beauty around them—to move into a state of appreciation for something they literally didn’t see before.
My photography invites both questions and curiosity: "Take a look at the world. What do you see? What interests you? What is beautiful? What is a little scary? What do you want to know more about?" I strive to instill a sense of courage in those who appreciate my work by motivating them to venture out and experience the world. In so doing, they may stumble upon something profound along the way.
To that end, in fall 2008 I introduced my photos and stories to junior high Geography classes through Michael on the Move—an opportunity for kids to learn about the world through my travel blogs. Broadcasting from India via the Internet, I spoke with kids and answered questions about my photos from India, Asia, and Europe. In winter 2009 I brought Michael on the Move to the classroom, making a personal appearance and connecting with the kids directly to share my stories. In response, many students were inspired to continue the conversation by making comments on my blog. One student wrote, “I've always wanted to travel to India and experience the different culture…you have inspired me.”
During summer 2009, I moved my artwork into the community by sharing it in art shows, craft fairs, and gallery receptions at local cafés and gift shops. Inspiration from the World is my first artistic endeavor for which I have a book, photo cards, and prints. I chose to focus on this theme as a way to connect with the community and share my favorite moments of inspiration with others. I was also interviewed by a local television station that featured a story about my mission to teach people about the world through my photography. These experiences have added richly to my artistic and personal development, confidence, and sense of purpose.
Whether I am speaking in the community, visiting a local school, displaying my photography in an art show, or connecting with people online through my photo galleries and blogs, my objective remains the same: to teach and inspire people through my photography."
We'll have to wait and see how it turns out... I've still got some editing to do. But the process of writing the statement is amazing--it really allows me to put things into perspective. After all, I want to continue to focus on what I love as I'm implementing the new business plan for my life!
Have a great week.
The Ambassador