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This past week I had a fantastic visit from my sister, Becky. She was scheduled to attend a software workshop on Monday so she came down from Erhard (a small town located between Pelican Rapids and Fergus Falls, Minnesota) on Sunday and decided to stay with her brother "in the big city" for three days--right on!
Ever since returning from India a few months ago it's been rather quiet in my life, not like the noise and activity of my experience in Bangalore. This quiet often feels nice, but also feels a bit empty. One of the things I miss most about my expat life is having the other expats around. Living in our apartment building, Zen Gardens, was like a college dorm and Melrose Place wrapped into one--some excitement, some drama, some challenges, but lots of time together. It was my expat family! Even though we all had our own apartments we were never more than a few steps away from one another. Now I'm back up by myself in my corner apartment and I only know one of my neighbors so far... quite the change.
While Becky was here we spent the first couple of nights setting up her new laptop and watching episodes of The Office on DVD--what a hilarious show! We just sat there laughing. It was great :o) On Tuesday
Becky came into work so I could give her a tour of Target Headquarters. We stopped by the Bullseye shop, visited the Target history displays, and stopped by my office before we headed off to lunch at Bank, a unique restaurant in the old Farmers & Mechanics Bank building which is now the new Westin Minneapolis Hotel. What an excellent time! Tuesday evening was a dinner party at my apartment with Becky joining my friends Blaine, Ryan and Megan. We had a great time breaking-in my new dining room table (purchased at Target, of course), eating Blaine's amazing dinner, laughing and sharing stories. It was so fun to bring people together. Between my monthly mixers, visits from family, and now a small dinner party, it's been so nice to have people in my apartment--it warms the space and keeps my apartment a "home".
Yesterday afternoon Becky's husband, Jim, and my nieces Nicki and Natalie stopped by to pick her up as they headed over to the U of M campus to watch Pelican Rapids play in the high school basketball tournament. Our mini-vacation came to an end, but not without three days of fun, laughter and good conversations. Sometimes it's those little spontaneous visits that make all the difference!
Whether it's my expat family from India, my family here in Minnesota, or my family of friends in Minneapolis, I am reminded once again that "family" comes in many forms--and spending time with them is so important. For family does, indeed, matter.
You know how some days you're just ready for change? I realize that spring is still around the corner (especially after 6 inches of snow and subzero temps this week...), but I've been itching for something to shift. So in a moment of inspiration last week I decided to sit down and write a new business plan for my life. "A what?" you say... Yes, you heard me, a business plan for my life.
During a working session this morning with my good friend Bob Manning (mentioned in my last blog entry), we chatted about our current projects and I told him about my business plan. Bob's first reaction was, "Write about it!" So because he was inspired, I have also been inspired to write about it on my blog today. Here's the lowdown...
Until last week I'd always made short term plans--you know, like my top goals for the year on New Year's Day or planning my next monthly trip, etc., even created multiple "vision boards" over the years (see The Secret), but never really sat down and described what I wanted my entire life to look like. Actually, to be more precise, what I wanted my life to feel like (sometimes you have to believe before you see :o) So I got out a notepad & pen and decided to take the next step--write it out.
Now if you know me personally you'll know I've been actively editing my first book in The Balance Factor series for the past month, so writing's been taking up most of my free time; however, writing a book is much more challenging than I had assumed. When you can speak about something, that's great! Conversation flows because it's dynamic and has a lot to do with the context, your mood, and the relationship you have the person you're speaking to... but the written word does not. Words are not concerned with your mood or if you're having a good day--words are static. But this writing was different, so sitting down and writing something other than my book came as a welcomed relief!
What does a business plan for life include? Whatever you want it to. I just went down the list and made categories for my "big buckets" and then added bullet points for each: - Career
- Home
- Family
- Finances
- Vision/Business/Projects
- Personal (Mind, Body, Spirit)
These were my top sections--many of which have subsections and bullets for each area, but the most important thing was that I took time to focus on what I really want to create in my life. Since I'm a firm believer that we all create what we need, I wanted to truly harness that power and create a life filled with what I want most--happiness and harmony. Hey, why not?!
Ever since I wrote down my personal business plan my energy has been shifting. Over the past week I've noticed in change in my level of focus and concentration, and when I get a little hazy or off kilter during my day I can glance back at my list and see where my thoughts and behaviors are aligning with my goals. I can ask myself, "Is what I'm doing/saying/being in-line with what I am wanting to create?" And that, my friends, is the ultimate question!
What an interesting exercise it's for me. I dare you to try it and see what it does for you...
Be Well,
The Ambassador of Goodwill